You are not alone: a poem

You lay in your bed wishing the world would take a day off The light that crawls in through the window is only enough to better see the darkness The blanket feels a little bit heavier each time you slap the snooze button Those plans from last night to be productive early must have been... Continue Reading →

Don’t fake it until you make it

When first starting most careers, the term “fake it until you make it” is thrown around a lot in reference to not knowing how to do every aspect of your job and learning on the fly. Just try your best to look like you know what you’re doing and eventually you will figure out how... Continue Reading →

Sharing works

I’ve said this before and I will probably do it again, but if I’m going to write a series of my thoughts on mental health, it would be weird not to include this: the best way to fight mental illness, and particularly the stigma surrounding it, in my experience is to share. You can take... Continue Reading →

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